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Inquire about virtual storytelling

Inquire about virtual storytelling

Virtual storytelling is unlike visual storytelling, which you may already be familiar with. Visual storytelling refers to the skillful utilization of visual media, including infographics, photographs, and videos, to convey a narrative. Furthermore, visual storytelling employed as virtual entertainment is what we refer to as virtual storytelling.

We have suggested pre-recorded videos as an example of virtual narrative, a form of entertainment utilized at the virtual events of our clients. With the increasing popularity of virtual events, we have expanded our repertoire to include video mapping shows, captivating sand art, dynamic dance routines, and soul-stirring shadow work captured on high-quality recordings.

For example, one of our clients desired to provide online attendees with entertainment during the intermissions of live-streamed speeches and presentations at their virtual sales event. We furnished not one, not two, but three extraordinary pre-recorded performances! To captivate their audience from beginning to end, they utilised a branded video, a virtual video mapping performance by a renowned multi-media performance artist, and a kaleidoscopic UV dance performance.

You might be curious as to why our clients find videos so much fun. In fact, visual information is processed 60,000 times faster than text. The meanings communicated through visual content are thus more likely to be retained and understood by audiences. It has also been demonstrated that visual content increases online engagement; web posts containing images generate up to 180% more engagement. Additionally, the average individual dedicates one hundred minutes daily to consuming video content.

Thus, virtual storytelling is not only a highly suitable option for virtual entertainment at online events, but the generated content can also serve marketing and promotional objectives, such as enhancing social media campaigns or driving traffic to websites.


Thus far, our encounters with virtual storytelling have revealed its capacity to disseminate motivational narratives, captivate online audiences on an emotional level, and propel marketing campaigns. Continue reading to discover how influential virtual storytelling can be and why we adore it. Also, learn how pre-recorded video content may assist you in accomplishing the objectives of your virtual event.

Virtual narratives possess the capability to

Motivate Digital Audiences

Commemorate momentous occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and national and religious holidays through the use of virtual storytelling. Commemorate a corporate success story; reaffirm to stakeholders the extent of the organization’s development through a nostalgic journey that passes by significant milestones. Motivate audiences with narratives that explore the triumph of individuals who have confronted hardship or challenged established beliefs through thought-provoking stories.

We strongly suggest our exceptional sand artist Anna and her pre-recorded video content for honoring a momentous occasion or moving an audience. Anna skillfully manipulates sand to create sand art narratives that are entirely customizable. She accomplishes this by employing expansive sand layers and her dexterous hand to vividly depict poignant stories or significant historical events. Together with the client and Anna, we develop a storyboard that meets all of the requirements. Anna has previously created bespoke sand art videos for national festivals, private events such as weddings, virtual corporate events, corporate anniversaries, and gender equality campaigns, as well as television advertisements.

One innovative approach to conveying a corporate success story or surprising key stakeholders or clients is through the use of a branded video mapping performance. This genre of digital narratives has the ability to integrate branded components, including logos, products, and essential messages, and is certain to amaze technologically adept audiences. Attendees from all over the world have responded favorably to our banded video mapping presentations at digital summits and virtual conferences.

Online Event Virtual Storytelling’s Strength

Captivate Virtual Audiences

A method of establishing an emotional connection with an online audience is through the use of virtual narratives. Online consumers are more inclined to place trust in, engage with, and make purchases from a brand that establishes a personal connection; video content serves as an intermediary medium in this regard. Indeed, ninety percent of consumers assert that a video will influence their purchasing choice. It is also one reason why video content is performing so well on social media, where, incidentally, there is an enormous demand. Video is anticipated to comprise 82% of all traffic by 2022, according to experts. Undoubtedly, video will continue to be a pivotal element in captivating online audiences in the future.

The brilliance of virtual storytelling is that, rather than words, the narrative is conveyed through images. By utilising non-verbal communication, virtual narratives can engage, educate, and amuse international online audiences despite language barriers. Our virtual video mapping show tells the tale of a protagonist who, while on a valiant quest for self-realisation, encounters both allies and adversaries. Overcoming adversity is the moral of the tale, a universally recognised and appreciated message. We strongly endorse this unconventional performance as a means to captivate audiences worldwide.

Online Event Virtual Storytelling’s Strength

Influence digital campaigns

Virtual narratives serve as an adaptable marketing instrument. For example, the utilization of a pre-recorded video or its teaser content can effectively arouse interest prior to the commencement of a virtual event, product launch, or campaign. Why not incorporate a segment of the video into a virtual invitation or save-the-date? Additionally, it is ideal for email marketing campaigns. Video serves a purpose prior to, during, and subsequent to a campaign.

Video content drives web traffic and directs online audiences to new content, products, and campaigns, as we have previously discovered. Furthermore, organic brand awareness will increase as a result of sharing video content on social media and encouraging followers to do the same.

Though video mapping and sand art have been previously examined, additional types of virtual narratives can also serve as campaign drivers. For captivating video content that will captivate social media scrollers, consider a professionally recorded UV dance performance featuring mesmerizing costumes and pixelated figures.

Online Event Virtual Storytelling’s Strength

Alternatively, how about a pre-recorded shadow performance by the finalists of a television talent show? As seen on India ‘s Got Talent, our extraordinary performers transform their bodies into recognizable forms through the use of shadow and inventive choreography. Each pre-existing programmer can be entirely personalized and adapted from original material produced for holiday seasons such as Christmas or Easter.


Virtual narratives have the capacity to engage audiences on a global scale, foster significant connections, disseminate extraordinary anecdotes, and propel effective campaigns. And for this reason, we adore it! It has been our direct experience that pre-recorded video content can have a significant impact, and we are honoured to collaborate with some of the industry’s most talented artists in order to achieve this. Discuss with us your forthcoming event or your aspirations for your next online campaign today.


| Virtual NarrativesInternational programmers  | Adaptable marketingBest in Trivandrum | Best in IndustryCustomized programs | Digital MarketingOnline Event  |

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